Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Will the storm ever calm?

So last night was the first night of the med increase. Aurora went from 2ML to 2.5ML. WOW, could she of handled it any worse? I dont think so. She went to bed around 8pm, and woke up around 1am SCREAMING and CRYING so hard. She looked very very drugged, intoxicated! She kept saying "mommy Im sick!" I felt so bad... and its like what do you do? She needs the medicine, its already in her! I felt so bad for her. So we watched the sun come up, and I watched tears stream down her face until about 5am.... she finally fell asleep from exhaustion, but woke up around 7am, and said she had a really bad headache. I could tell, she had that pain face look. So I got her up, Mortin, Breakfast, Juice, and her vitamins, and meds... and we had a great day today! But of course she was still at her day dose of 2ML...

So tonight we brought her brother back to the docs because he is a wheezing machine. They had to give him a neubulizer treatment, and then sent us on our way... so it was late. We picked up dinner at "Rosies" and brought it home. Aurora was STARVING, so I figured she would chow down when we got home. She started to eat a fry, and then I saw she had a certain look, not sure if it was a seizure, or the fact that the fry didnt suit her... she spit it out. And then puked a couple times (not much)... And said she didnt feel good. I got her calmed down so she could eat SOMETHING... but the whole time she had that seizury look to her... but didnt have one. I gave her a nice hot bubble bath, pj's a good back rub, and she fell asleep.. where she is right now next to me, snoring away!

I AM PRAYING for a silent, uninterrupted night of sleep. Aurora needs it! She already took 2 naps today, which is VERY RARE! Poor girl is so tired from this month of HELL! And on top of it she is still sick with a nasty cough... I gave her neubulizer treatment before bed, so she is breathing soundly...

Tommorow will be a med increase for the daytime. going from 2ML to 2.25, and tonight instead of the 2.5ML we gave her 2.25ML... to give her mind and body a break!

Did I mention I HATE E?????? I know alot of my readers are mothers to children with E, and you all know how I feel, especially with this med increase crap... it takes Aurora so long to get back to normal... and the one thing I hate HATE about the med increase is how it takes the sparkle out of her eyes! They look so dull, and bloodshot, glazed... tired! So sad.

So PRAY for a good night with NO seizures for us! I will update tommorow! We will be getting up, dressed early, to go pick up my sister Lynzee (aurora's Auntie) and going to use her library card to rent some books... she has yet to go, and it was a present from one of her good friends for her birthday! She is very excited!

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